Pride of Poland

"Znakomite wyniki na Pride of Poland w Janowie Podlaskim 2023"


"I wanted to thank you for the kind assistance and help. You have been truly amazing. Wish I could have bought a horse but I did my best … next year more luck if the right horse of course. Once again … big big thank you."

Bart Van Buggenhaut / Belgium

“A big applause to the organisers of the show and the auction. Everything was perfect. It was a pleasure to judge with nice colleagues. We judged very good horses in a very nice atmosphere what made us all feeling good. Thank you again Ula for taking so good care of us. You can be proud on your job. Looking forward to see you all soon somewhere in our Arabian horse world. It was a great organisation and you handled everything perfectly. Big congratulations. You deserve the golden medal”.

Christine Jamar / Belgium

“My appreciation to you and the full organization for this “Top Level Pride of Poland.” It was an honor and pleasure to me being part of the judges panel.  I enjoyed the auction very much.  My admiration to you for taking care of us on a perfect way.  Thank you so much.”

Martine Van Hee / Belgium

"Thank you for having me judge. I consider this experience to be a true privilege & honor!  From the organization, top quality horses, amazing atmosphere, & to my fellow judges I will forever cherish this moment in my life. Personally I wish you all the best for & your families!! 
Thank you for such wonderful memories that we just made".

Joseph Polo / USA 

“Janów Podlaski 2023, it was really a great, great show”

Farhang Fazeli / Iran

“Thank you very much to everyone for the lovely hospitality and the wonderful welcome. I was proud to be among this professional group and many thanks to the organizers of the show for the successful and special organization. See you in the future at future performances”

Mohammed Aziz Kadan / Israel

"Nazywam się Tomasz Bernady. Obecnie jestem szczęśliwym właścicielem dwóch klaczy arabskich. Piszę dziś, aby wyrazić szacunek i uznanie za ciężką pracę w przygotowaniu tegorocznego wydarzenia w Janowie Podlaskim, wszystko było dopięte na ostatni guzik, wszystko zagrało (łącznie z wynikami obu aukcji), miesiące pracy dały znakomity efekt. Jeszcze raz szczerze gratuluję i też jako miłośnik arabów zwyczajnie dziękuję (możemy znów być dumni z naszej hodowli). Pozdrawiam serdecznie."

Tomasz Bernady / Polska

"Dears, I would like also to thank to all of you for our common work  during this great and important Arabian horses event in such amazing place as Janów is. It was a pleasure for me to know you and work with you together!"

George Bruns / Germany